OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Create Custom Tool Button & Gallery

Follow these steps to create New Button on ribbon and add components to the Components Gallery for newly created button. The example below explains the procedure for OpenPlant PID, but it is also applicable for OpenPlant Modeler and OpenplantSupport Engineering

  1. Launch OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition in your desired workset
  2. Open PIDProjectSymbols.dgnlib from desired workset location & click on Open.

    Here taking example of Imperial Workset. It is by default located in the -C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\WorkSets\Imperial\Standards\OpenPlant\PID\DgnLibs\

  3. Add a new configuration variable DebugGalleryGroupNames
  4. Once done, click on OK to Configuration Variables. This will pop an Alert message, click on No. Refer image below.
    Note: No says that added config variable will be active only for the current active session. If you click on Yes, each time doing some modification to ribbon will create a debug file.
    Note: Adding the above configuration variable will help you to find the exact key-in for newly added button.
  5. To add Custom button do one of the following:

    Select File > Settings > User > Customize Ribbon


    Right-click in the blank space in the ribbon and select Customize Ribbon from the pop-up menu.

    The Customize Ribbon dialog opens.
  6. In the list below Customize the Ribbon, navigate to the desired workflow, tab, and the group in which you want to add the new button. For example,Customize Ribbon > OpenPlantPID > Equipment Galleries > New Button
    Note: Here adding a new button to existing Equipment Gallery.
  7. Click Add New Button.

  8. (Optional) In the Properties section, set the following:
    1. To change the label of the button, enter the new label in the Label field.

      For example Waste Water Equipment

    2. In the Key-in field, enter the key-in that should be executed when the button is selected.

      To see list of the other hidden defined Gallery Ribbon names which are used for Key-in Click Here

      To make this button functional, you need to create a new group under PID Gallery Components & add components into it. Once done then enter required key-in for your created tool button.(See steps 6,7 and 8 from next procedure below.)

    3. To change the icon, in the Icon field, click the Browse button on the right-side. The Define Icon for Tool dialog opens, from where you can select the icon for the new button or menu-item.
    4. To set the visibility, select the visibility expression from the Visibility drop-down list.
      Note: The Visibility property holds the name of a named expression that will be evaluated each time the active model is changed to determine whether the item should be displayed. The named expression should return a boolean (True or False) result in order to work properly as a Visibility property.
    5. To set the enable/disable criteria, select the named expression from the Enable drop-down list.
    6. Set other fields, as desired.
  9. Click Apply. Selected icon will be displayed for custom added button.

Adding a new ribbon under PID Gallery Components node

After creating the new button labeled as Waste Water Equipment . You need to add components in the Component Gallery for this button.

  1. From Customize Ribbon dialog, go to PID Gallery Components node.
  2. Right mouse & select Add a New Group.
  3. Enter desired group name here Waste Water Equipments
  4. From Left hand side, select the desired component that needs to be added.
  5. Select the component & click on Add. Once done click on Apply.
  6. Click on message bar & open the DebugGalleyGroupNames.txt file from mentioned file location.

    Message center shows Gallery Debug file is created.

  7. Search for added Group Name (under PID Gallery Components) in DebugGalleyGroupNames.txt here Waste Water Equipment.
  8. Copy the highlighted command name as shown below.
    Note: Please note that based on defined group name, command line will vary.
  9. Switch to OpenPlant PID , from Customize Ribbon. Expand the added tool button under Equipment parent node created in step 7 Waste Water Equipment in earlier procedure. From Properties, enter Key-in value

    Key-in: Besm MenuContext<copied command line from text file from Step 8>

    Besm MenuContext PIDProjectSymbols.OpenPlantPID.Standard.PID.GalleryComponents.Waste_Water_Equipment

  10. Click Apply and close the Customize Ribbon dialog
  11. Based on changes, custom tool button, tool icon & gallery, the component can be seen to OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition application.

Key-in Details for Addition of New Button/Icon

Key-in: Besm Menucontext PIDProjectSymbols.OpenPlantPID.Standard.PID.GalleryComponents.Waste_Water_Equipment

Key-in breakdown

Value Description Comments
Besm Menucontext Required - from code
PIDProjectSymbols Name of the DgnLib file being used for customization
OpenPlantPID.Standard.PID.GalleryComponents The main tab section This tab is hidden from the administrator. Development supplied the name.
Waste_Water_Equipment Label for the Gallery Group. This matches the name given to the PID Gallery Components group created in the first section of this procedure.

Here's a list of the other hidden defined Gallery Ribbon names of different Bentley applications. These are used in the Key-in creation:

  1. OPM(Modeler)
    • OpenPlantModeler.Equipment.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantModeler.HVAC.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantModeler.Common.SolidsGallery
    • OpenPlantModeler.Piping.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantModeler.Raceways.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantModeler.Supports.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantPID.Standard.PID.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantPID.Common.GalleryTools.Alternate
    • OpenPlantPID.Common.GalleryTools
    • OpenPlantPID.AP.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantPID.DIN.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantPID.ISO.GalleryComponents
    • OpenPlantPID.KKS.GalleryComponents
  3. OPSE (Supports)
    • OPSE.PipeAttachments.GalleryComponents
    • OPSE.SupportHardware.GalleryComponents
    • OPSE.Assemblies.GalleryComponents
    • OPSE.SupportFrames.GalleryComponents
    • OPSE.Trays.GalleryComponents
    • OPSE.HVAC.GalleryComponents